Reopening on June 14th 2024

We're looking forward to welcome you back!

Your Safety

Certified lifeguards and clear instructions

Safety is our top priority. Our lifeguards are all holders of either a Brevet National de Sécurité et de Sauvetage Aquatique (B.N.S.S.A.–National Diploma of Water Safety and Rescue) or Brevet Professionnel de la Jeunesse, de l'Education Populaire et du Sport (B.P.J.E.P.S.–Professional Diploma in Youth, Popular Education and Sport) with specialisation in Water Activities and Swimming (A.A.N.–Activités Aquatiques et Natation) and many of them are trained inTeam First Aid (PSE 1 or 2).

Aquasplash submits a Supervision and Rescue Plan (P.O.S.S.–Plan d'Organisation de la Surveillance et des Secours) to the local Préfecture each year, which sets out the number of multi-skilled employees and lifeguards required to ensure the safety of our visitors.

The main rules concerning our activities

For your safety, only certain positions are allowed when taking part in the activities. There are also standards for the number of people per activity and the rate of departures. Certain activities require a minimum height or even a minimum and/or maximum weight and we would ask you to carefully follow the instructions for use of each activity and each slide. All these rules have been set up by the manufacturers of the rides and are specified in the P.O.S.S. that is submitted to the Prefecture every year. Weight and height limits are posted at the entrance to the water park and also at the start point of each activity. You will find all the conditions of use for the various rides in our Rules of Conduct.

Minors are not permitted to enter the park without an accompanying adult. They must be supervised by an adult (one adult for every four minors) throughout their time in the park. Damaging and crossing the safety barriers is prohibited.

Rules for young children

Bathers under 1.20 m in height are not permitted on certain slides unless accompanied by an adult (see height marker). Children between the ages of 2 and 10 should not walk around the park on their own, nor should they go on any of the attractions without the continuous supervision of their accompanying adult. Parents or guardians must check the conditions for each ride before allowing the children they supervise to use it (age, height, weight, etc.) 
Any non-swimmer must be easily identifiable, i.e. wearing the mandatory armbands or life jacket and the red wristband supplied upon admission to Aquasplash. Otherwise, the Park shall be deemed to be exempt from any liability. Any child or adult who can swim more than 25 m without touching the side or the bottom and without a buoyancy aid is considered a swimmer.

Prohibitions and Recommendations

Admission is prohibited to anyone in possession of glass bottles, alcohol or any object that may be deemed dangerous. Hats and caps, sunglasses, goggles, diving glasses, masks, bandanas, cotton T-shirts and other clothing are not allowed in the pools and on the rides. Video equipment and cameras, including GoPro cameras, are not permitted on the slides. All camping items, such as chairs, umbrellas, sunbeds, tables and baby tents, are not allowed on the Aquasplash premises.

We recommend that you remove any piercings, earrings or jewellery.

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