Reopening on June 14th 2024

We're looking forward to welcome you back!

Online tickets from



We would like to welcome you. In order to ensure your safety and comfort, we ask you to respect the general house rules issued by SAS MARINELAND, which operates the  water park "Aquasplash" and mini-golf "Adventure Golf"; they are valid for all these parks: GENERAL TERMS & CONDITIONS OF ENTRY

In the event of non-compliance with any of these rules, the Management declines all responsibility and will be obliged to ask any offender to leave the establishment immediately without any refund. Park staff are authorised to enforce these rules on behalf of the Management.

These specific Aquasplash rules and regulations supplement the general rules and regulations of SAS MARINELAND's parks, which are available on and displayed at the reception desk. Visitors to Aquasplash are required to respect the provisions of these two sets of rules.




Entering Aquasplash, either individually or in a group, implies full acceptance of the house rules.


Access title

Minors not accompanied by an adult are not allowed to enter the park. An adult may accompany a maximum of 4 minors. Minors are under the responsibility of the accompanying adult, who must remain on site.

The use of cash is ensured throughout the Park. Notwithstanding, at the Park's points of sale, such as ticket offices, restaurants and shops, there are tills where payment can only be made by bank card or mobile devices. In any case, there will always be at least one till available for visitors to pay in cash, if they so wish. The points of sale will be provided with information panels to this effect. If you have any doubts, please ask the staff of the establishment, they will be happy to help you. 


Access prohibitions

Entry is forbidden to anyone carrying glass bottles, alcohol or any object that could be considered dangerous.

Access to the facilities is forbidden to persons who are intoxicated, or who have consumed any substance that may impair their ability, as well as to those who behave in a way that is detrimental to safety or tranquillity.

You must be in full possession of your physical and mental faculties to take part in Aquasplash activities.  The introduction of any weapon, even dummy or harmless, or any dangerous object or product, is strictly forbidden.

It is forbidden to bring animals onto the premises.


Authorised bathing suits

Swimming costumes (one or two pieces) and swimming shorts are the only clothing permitted for swimming and must not go below the knees. T-shirts made of lycra or waterproof materials are also permitted, but only above the elbows. In the slides, the head and neck must be kept clear to avoid the risk of strangulation. All other textiles are strictly forbidden when swimming.

Full-length swimming costumes, bathing dresses, pareos, jeans, jogging suits and briefs worn under swimming shorts are strictly forbidden. Topless swimming is forbidden.

Street or sports shoes are only allowed in the reception area (shop, restaurants, changing rooms). Only flip-flops are allowed after immersion in the foot baths.


Skin lesions

Access to the areas reserved for bathers is forbidden to those with suspicious skin lesions who are not in possession of a certificate of non-contagion in accordance with the Sports Code, article A322-6, appendix III-8.



Picnics are only allowed in the dedicated area near the entrance. Coolers are not allowed outside this area.

No eating or drinking outside the designated areas and no food leftovers are allowed.




Monitoring of children

Children under 9 years of age must always remain under the active supervision of the adult accompanying them.

Parents or guardians must check the instructions for use of each attraction before allowing the children they are supervising to use it (age, height, weight conditions, etc.).

All non-swimmers must be able to be identified: wear armbands and a red bracelet when entering Aquasplash. Failure to do so will absolve the establishment of any responsibility. Reminder of professional practices: any child or adult capable of swimming more than 25 m without difficulty without touching the shore or the bottom, and without a buoyancy aid, is considered a swimmer.)


Group supervision

People arriving in groups must be able to be identified: compulsory wearing of a wristband provided by the park staff, and a list of swimmers/non-swimmers by name provided on arrival, with the names of the accompanying persons.

Children in groups are under the responsibility of the accompanying adults who must comply with the legislation in force (adult/child quota, diplomas and skills) and supervise them in the pools.




For your safety, only certain positions are allowed in the activities. The number of people per activity and the rhythm of the departures also meet standards. Some activities require a minimum height or a minimum and/or maximum weight and you are invited to scrupulously respect the instructions for use of each activity and each slide. All these rules are posted at the start of each attraction. Adults are required to explain these rules to the minors they are accompanying.

Before entering the pools, bathers must pass through the showers and foot baths.

Static snorkelling is strictly forbidden.

Fins, masks, snorkels and inflatable floating objects other than buoys and safety armbands are prohibited.

Buoys must not be kept on the beach. They are only available to people in the water and on the buoy slides.

Goggles, cameras, video cameras, poles and telephones are not allowed on the slides. It is not advisable to wear jewellery on the slides.




Visitors and bathers are required to :

  • Smoking and spitting are prohibited.
  • Circulate only in the park's alleys.
  • Respect the fences, do not enter the areas protected by a barrier, a gate, a chain or any other protection and in particular those marked "reserved for staff" or "access prohibited".
  • Do not enter service rooms, even if they have been temporarily left open.
  • Do not damage plants.
  • Do not use radios or sound instruments.
  • No ball games or running.
  • Bathers must not use the foot baths for any purpose other than those for which they were designed.
  • Chewing gum in the wetlands is not permitted.




The management does not make any refunds or compensation in case of bad weather.




We accept no responsibility for theft in the park or in the car park.




Subject to availability:

  • Lockers are subject to a fee. Visitors are required to read and respect the conditions of use of the lockers posted on site. The deposit of money and valuables is prohibited. The Management declines all responsibility in case of theft.
  • Deckchairs are subject to a charge and must be paid for at the ticket office or with the employee on site before your installation.
  • The VIP area may only be used by persons who have paid the corresponding fee at the ticket office. Visitors are requested to respect the quiet of this area.

We thank you for your understanding and wish you a good day.

The Management

VIP area
VIP area

VIP area