Reopening on June 14th 2024

We're looking forward to welcome you back!

Terms of Use

These Terms of Use apply to your access, browsing and use of this website.

MARINELAND, a French Limited Company (Société par actions simplifiée - SAS) operates the AQUASPLASH water park and is the publisher of the website (the "Website") and its contact details are as follows:

MARINELAND's identifying information:

  • Share capital: €2,280,000
  • Antibes Company Registration Number: 036920924
  • Registered office: 2 route de la Brague, 06600 Antibes, FRANCE
  • VAT number: FR 36 036920924

Contact details:

  • Tel: +33 (0)4 93 33 49 49
  • Email:





These General Website Terms and of Use, together with the General Terms and Conditions and Special Terms and Conditions available on the Website govern (i) any purchases made on the Website, (ii) the information provided on the Website and (iii) the use and browsing of the Website by any person visiting and/or browsing the Website (the "User(s)"). MARINELAND may, at any time and without notice, modify these Website Terms of Use by posting such modifications on the Website. The changes will come into force as soon as they are published and will apply to all Users from that date.

By browsing the website, the User expressly accepts these Terms of Use of the Website.


Browsing this Website is free of charge, with the exception of any fees that the Internet Service Provider may charge the User. Browsing the website does not require prior registration by the user.


SAS MARINELAND is part of the Parques Reunidos Group (the "PARQUES REUNIDOS GROUP") which currently includes the following companies:

In Spain:

Parques Reunidos Servicios Centrales S.A., Piolin Bidco S.A., Leisure Parks, S.A., Parque de Atracciones Madrid, S.A.U., Gestión Parques de Animales Madrid S.L.U., Parques de la Naturaleza Selwo S.L., Zoos Ibéricos, S.A., Parque de Atracciones San Fernando de Henares, S.L.U., Parque de Atracciones San Fernando de Henares, S.L.U., Aquopolis Cartaya, S.L.U., Madrid Theme Park Management, S.L.U., Travelparks Viajes, S.L.U., Mall Entertainment Centre Murcia, S.L.U., Mall Entertainment Centre Temático Arroyomolinos, S.L.U., Mall Entertainment Centre Acuario Arroyomolinos, S.L.U., Parque Biológico de Madrid S.A.U., Parque Biológico de Madrid S.A.U., Indoor Entertainment Centre Príncipe de Madrid S.A.U., Indoor Entertainment Centre Príncipe de Madrid, S.L.U., Indoor Entertainment Centre Píochán, S.L.U. Indoor Entertainment Centre Príncipe Pío, S.L.U., Parques Reunidos Atlántica, S.L.U. and Parques Reunidos Valencia, S.A.U. "in liquidation".

All the Spanish companies have their registered office at C/ Federico Mompou, 5, Edif. 1, Pta. 3, Madrid, SPAIN, with the exception of Zoos Iberico S.A., whose registered office is Recinto Zoo-Aquarium, Casa de Campo, 28011 Madrid, SPAIN and Parque de Atracciones Madrid S.A.U, whose registered office is Recinto Parque de Atracciones Casa de Campo s/n, 28011, Madrid, SPAIN.

Rest of Europe:

Bobbejaanland B.V.B.A. (Belgium); Parco Della Standiana S.R.L., Travelmix S.R.L., Centaur Holding Italy S.R.L. and Travelparks Italia S.R.L. (Italy); Movie Park Germany GMBH, Centaur Holding Germany GMBH, Movie Park Services GMBH, Event Park GMBH, Nature Park GMBH, Tropical Island Holding GMBH, Tropical Island Management GMBH, Tropical Island Asset Management GMBH, TI Hotel Asset GMBH, IT Property GMBH and TI Hospitality (Germany); Bon-Bon Land A/S, Bonbon-Land Rejser Denmark and Centaur Holding Denmark A/S (Denmark); TusenFryd A/S, BoSommarland A/S and Parkferie A/S (Norway); Marineland SAS, LB Investissement S.A., Delphinus SAS, Marineland Resort SA, Centaur Holding France 1 SAS, Centaur Holding France 2 SAS and SCI ColVert (France); Grant Leisure Group, Ltd, Real Live Leisure Company Ltd and Lakeside Mall Entertainment Centre Ltd. (United Kingdom); Pleasantville BV, Attractie-en Vakantiepark Slagharen BV, Slagharen Crew BV, Centaur Nederland 2 BV and Centaur Nederland 3 BV (The Netherlands).

The registered offices of these European companies are:

Bobbejaanland B.V.B.A., located at Olensteenweg 45, 2460 Kasterlee, Lichtaart, BELGIUM; Parco Della Standiana, S.R.L, Travelmix, S.R.L., Centaur Holding Italy S.R.L. and Travelparks Italia S.R.L., located at S.S. 16 Adriatica, Km 162, 48125 Savio (RA), ITALY ; Movie Park Germany GMBH, Centaur Holding Germany GMBH, Movie Park Services GMBH and Nature Park GMBH, located at Warner Allee 1, 46244 Bottrop-Kirchhellen, GERMANY, Event Park GMBH, located at Zur Weißen Mark 1, 04249 Leipzig, GERMANY Tropical Island Holding GMBH, Tropical Island Management GMBH, Tropical Island Asset Management GMBH, TI Hotel Asset GMBH, IT Property GMBH and TI Hospitality, all located at Tropical-Islands-Allee 1, 15910, Krausnick, GERMANY; Centaur Holding Denmark A/S, Bon-Bon Land A/S, Bonbon-Land Rejser Denmark, all located at Gartnervej 2, Holme - Olsttrup, 4684, Holmegaard, DENMARK; Tusenfryd AS and Parkferie A/S, located at Fryds vei 25, 1407 Vinterbro, NORWAY, BoSommarland A/S, located at Steintjonnveien 2, 3804 Bo i Telemark, NORWAY ; Marineland SAS, Delphinus SAS, Marineland Resort SAS, Centaur Holding France 1 SAS, Centaur Holding France 2 SAS and SCI ColVert, located at 2 Route de la Brague, Lotissement du Domaine de la Brague, 06600 Antibes, FRANCE and LB Investissement, S.A., located at Blvd. de la Mer, 62520 Le Touquet Paris-Plage, FRANCE; Grant Leisure Group, Ltd, located at East Park Drive Blackpool Lancashire FY3 8PP, UNITED KINGDOM, Real Live Leisure Company, Ltd. and Lakeside Mall Entertainment Centre, Ltd. located at Oceanarium, Pier Approach, Bournemouth, BH2 5AA, UNITED KINGDOM; Pleasantville BV, Attractie-en Vakantiepark Slagharen BV, Slagharen Crew BV, Centaur Nederland 2 BV and Centaur Nederland 3 BV, located at Zwarte Dijk 37, 7776PB, Slagharen, NETHERLANDS.

In the United States:

Centaur Holdings II United States, Inc, Centaur Holdings United States, Inc, Palace Entertainment Holdings, LLC, Festival Fun Parks, LLC, Splish Splash Beverage, LLC, Wonderland Hotel LLC, Wonderland Realty LLC (all having their principal offices at 4800 Kennywood Blvd, West Mifflin, PA 15122, USA) and DD Pacific Investors, LLC, DD Parks, LLC, SLP Services, LLC, Oahu Entertainment Parks, LP, Attractions Hawaii, LP (all having their registered offices at 41-202 Kalanianaole Highway #7, Waimanalo, Hawaii, 96795, USA).

In Australia:

Raging Waters Sydney Pty Ltd, having its registered office at 425 Reservoir Road, Prospect New South Wales 2148, AUSTRALIA.


MARINELAND is not liable for any damages resulting from the User's access to or use of the contents of the Website, except for damages that may result directly from a breach of MARINELAND's obligations under these Aquasplash Website Terms of Use or from fraud on the part of MARINELAND.

The User acknowledges and accepts that their use and browsing of the Website is their own responsibility and is undertaken at their own risk. MARINELAND shall not be liable for any damages arising from, without limitation, any of the following causes:

  • Interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, breakdowns and/or disconnections caused by reasons beyond the control of MARINELAND, which prevent or delay the provision of the services made available on the Website or browsing;
  • Website outages caused by deficiencies or overloads in the Internet or other electronic systems;
  • Damages that may be caused by third parties or that are beyond the responsibility and/or control of MARINELAND;        
  • Inability to grant access to the Website for reasons not attributable to MARINELAND, the User or third parties, or due to events deemed to be force majeure under the terms of Article 1218 of the French Civil Code;

MARINELAND shall not be liable in any way whatsoever for any damages resulting from information and other content included in third party spaces or websites accessible from the Website by links or hyperlinks, nor for information and other content displayed in third party spaces or websites that may provide access to the Website by links or hyperlinks, nor for third party information and content displayed with the appearance or distinctive trademarks of AQUASPLASH, unless MARINELAND expressly authorises it to do so. MARINELAND has no control over the use that Users make of the Website. In particular, MARINELAND makes no assurance whatsoever that Users' use of the Website will comply with any legal requirements that may be applicable, nor that such use will be in accordance with these Website Terms of Use, nor with generally accepted moral standards and good customs, nor that Users will use the Website in a diligent and reasonable manner.

MARINELAND does not guarantee that the Website will be available and accessible at all times or that the Website will be suitable for any particular purpose. MARINELAND may temporarily suspend access to the Website without notice for the purposes of maintenance, repair, upgrading or improvement and shall not be liable for any damages arising from this. MARINELAND will, however, give users sufficient notice, where circumstances permit, of the date on which access to the Website will be suspended. MARINELAND will not assume any liability for damages that may result from the unavailability or lack of continuous operation of the Website.

MARINELAND guarantees that it has implemented appropriate security measures and that these measures comply with current technological security standards, such as "Verisign". Access to transaction services and services involving the collection of personal data is done in a secure environment using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) with high security 128-bit encryption. The secure server establishes a connection so that information is sent in encrypted form, ensuring that any content sent is only intelligible to the User's computer and the MARINELAND server. Users can verify that they are in a secure environment by checking that a locked padlock appears in the status bar of their browser. The security of MARINELAND servers is guaranteed by a certificate issued by VeriSign. This certificate guarantees that Users are sending their data to a MARINELAND server and not to a third party impersonator.

As part of its commitment to fraud prevention, MARINELAND will co-operate with the payment platforms used for the purchase of Services available on the Website as well as with the relevant authorities in providing information on any transaction, where appropriate, subject to strict and ongoing compliance with all applicable legal requirements, in particular the regulatory requirements for data protection.


The Website may display third party content and links to third party websites, including social networks and other information, which may be subject to appropriate licensing and/or intellectual property rights.

Unless otherwise stated, MARINELAND is the owner or licensee of all material displayed on the Website (including, but not limited to, any information, text, images, illustrations, drawings, designs, data, software, programs, etc.). These elements are protected by intellectual property rights, regulations and treaties around the world. All such rights are reserved.

Users may print off one copy and download extracts from any page of the Website for their own personal use only and may draw the attention of others to content published on the Website.  Users must not modify any extracts or digital copies of documents they have printed or downloaded from the Website. MARINELAND (and any credited contributor or author of third party content on the Website) must in all cases be acknowledged in such downloads.

Users are not permitted to use any part of the content of the Website for promotional or commercial purposes without obtaining the appropriate legal right and express permission from MARINELAND or its licensors.

If a User prints, copies or downloads any part of the Website in breach of these Website Terms of Use, the User's right to use the Website shall be immediately revoked and the User shall, at MARINELAND's discretion, return or destroy any copies of the material which the User has made, and MARINELAND reserves the right to bring any claim or action to enforce its rights and obtain damages.


Users agree to comply with these Website Terms of Use, as well as any specific warnings or instructions posted on the Website. The User undertakes to act at all times in accordance with the Law, good morals and good faith, exercising due care that is consistent with the nature of the Services made available on the Website. Users may not use the Website in a way that may interfere with, damage or prejudice the normal operation of the Website, intellectual property or the rights of MARINELAND, the PARQUES REUNIDOS GROUP, other Users of the Website or, in general, any third party.

In particular, and without prejudice to any of the obligations set out above, the User agrees to the following (without limitation) when browsing the Website or purchasing Services online:

  • to provide personal data and truthful information as requested;
  • not to introduce, store or disseminate on or from the Website any defamatory, libellous, obscene, threatening or xenophobic information or content; information or content that incites violence or discrimination based on race, sex, ideology, religion or that in any other way violates the morality, public order, fundamental rights, public freedoms, honour, privacy or image of third parties, intellectual property rights, industrial or commercial secrets or the know-how of third parties or, in general, any content for which the User does not legally hold the right to make it available to a third party and, in general, which violates in any way whatsoever the regulations in force;
  • not to introduce, store or disseminate through the Website any software, data, virus, code, material or telecommunications equipment or any other electronic or physical instrument or device that may cause damage to the Website, any of the services or any of the equipment, systems or networks of MARINELAND, the PARQUES REUNIDOS GROUP, any other User or, in general, any third party, or that, in any other way, may cause any type of alteration or prevent the normal operation of the same;   
  • not to carry out any advertising, promotional or commercial activities through the Website, nor to use the contents and, in particular, the information obtained through the Website to send advertising, direct sales messages or for any other commercial purpose, nor to collect or store personal data belonging to third parties;       
  • not to use false identities or misappropriate the identity of others when using the Website or any of the Website's purchasing services, including payment methods, passwords or access codes belonging to third parties or in any other way;
  • not to destroy, alter, deactivate or damage the data, information, programs or electronic documents belonging to MARINELAND, the PARQUES REUNIDOS GROUP or to third parties;
  • unless expressly authorised by MARINELAND, the User may not create links or hyperlinks to AQUASPLASH website (other than the AQUASPLASH homepage) from third party websites, nor may the AQUASPLASH website or the information contained therein be presented in connection with third party frames, trademarks or trade names;
  • users may not use or re-use the Website for fraudulent purposes or to commit any crime or illegal activity of any kind.


The User is responsible for using the required and appropriate equipment to access the Website and purchase the services offered on the Website. Users are also responsible for any costs or taxes payable on the services purchased.

In browsing the Website, Users must follow the instructions displayed on their screen and fill in the information required in the forms available on the Website. By filling in these forms, the User is deemed to have read, understood and accepted all the General Terms and Conditions and Special Terms and Conditions appearing on the Website.

Users who fail to comply with these General Website Terms of Use and/or the Law may, without prior notice, be denied access to and browsing of the Website and/or any of the Services offered. MARINELAND also reserves the right, where appropriate, to remove any User's content, comments and/or contributions that have violated these Website Terms of Use and/or are otherwise in conflict with applicable laws.


MARINELAND fully respects the laws relating to the protection of personal data and the duties of confidentiality inherent in its activity.

We provide Users with relevant information on data protection in our Privacy Policy.


These Website Terms of Use are governed by French law. The competent courts are those designated by the legal and regulatory provisions in force.